Monday, January 12, 2015

Mango Lassi

While I usually don't order drinks at restaurants, there are a couple drinks that are hard for me to resist.  Mango lassi is definitely on that list.  I've tried making my own a few times over the years but was never happy with the result.  After some investigating, including talking to one of my neighbors from India, I found out that you do not have to use fresh mango to make mango lassi.  There is canned mango pulp that works great in this drink.  I love the idea of using fresh mangoes, but they just weren't making mango lassi like I've had in restaurants.  I got canned mango pulp from a local Indian grocer, but I also saw some on Amazon.  I got the Deep brand, and I thought it was good.

Some searching online uncovered a few different flavors some people like to add (rose water, cardamom, etc.), but I like mine plain and simple with just mango pulp, yogurt, and milk.  Some recipes call for thinning the drink with water instead of milk (as does my neighbor), but I like to use most if not all milk so it does not start to taste watered-down at all.

Mango Lassi
Serves 4-6
30 oz canned mango pulp (about 3 cups)
3 cups plain yogurt (I used nonfat Greek yogurt)
1 1/2 cups milk
Additional milk or water to thin to desired consistency

Blend mango pulp, yogurt and 1 1/2 cups milk in a blender.  Blend in additional milk or water, if desired, until it reaches desired consistency.

Source: adapted from, with help from my neighbor and a kind worker at my local indian grocery store

1 comment:

  1. It was delicious Lucy! Sanju helped you? Does she have a favorite indian store?
