Saturday, June 14, 2014

Greek Feta and Pepper Dip

A friend brought this dip to a Christmas party once and it was so unique and tasty.  I think it would be great served along with hummus on an appetizer tray.  This dip has three main ingredients, and if you aren't a fan of any one (or all three!) of those flavors, you probably will not like this dip!  If you are a fan of feta, cream cheese and banana peppers, you will probably enjoy the variety this dip adds to a vegetable/cracker tray.

Greek Feta and Pepper Dip
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
4 oz. crumbled feta cheese, softened
1-2 teaspoon olive oil
1/4 cup chopped mild banana pepper rings (or more to taste)

1. Mix cream cheese and feta cheese together.  Add olive oil and mix together until desired consistency is reached. 

2. Add chopped banana peppers and mix into cheese mixture.  Serve with bread, crackers or chopped vegetables.

Source: from my friend, Shari

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