Saturday, July 6, 2013

Chocolate-Dipped Coconut Shortbread Cookies

For most of my life I have not been a coconut fan.  I don't know exactly when that changed, but I am trying to make up for all those lost years now.  I saw this recipe for Coconut Shortbread cookies and had to give it a try.  Since dipping things in chocolate is one of my favorite pastimes, I had a blast making these cookies.  I successfully tempered chocolate one of the times I made these cookies, and was way more excited than anyone should be over that kind of thing.  The chocolate hardened beautifully after cooling.

These cookies are more of a project kind of cookie rather than the kind you decide to make after dinner on Sunday evening.  I prefer to mix the dough in the morning, bake them in the afternoon, then dip them the next day.

I shared some with my neighbor before I had even dipped them, and she loved them so much she begged me to teach her how to make them.  I also gave her some of the chocolate-dipped ones, and later asked her which she liked better.  She said she prefered them without chocolate.  To each her own, I say.

Chocolate-Dipped Coconut Shortbread Cookies
Note: Unsweetened coconut can be hard to find.  I happened to find some in the baking aisle at Target.  And I have often seen it in the bulk bins with the "natural/organic" food.  If I'm in the mood for more coconut flavor I may try replacing some or all of the vanilla with coconut extract.  Also, I may try taking the flour down to 2 2/3 cups next time I make these.  The dough can be a little crumbly and difficult to roll.

For the cookies:
1 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)
1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour

To finish (optional):
Semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, melted (tempered, if desired)
Sweetened shredded coconut, toasted

Add the unsweetened coconut to a medium skillet over medium heat.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until the coconut is lightly browned, being careful not to burn it.  Set aside to cool.  (If you will be dipping the cookies in chocolate and garnishing with more coconut, you can also toast the sweetened coconut in the same pan.  Let it cool, then store covered until ready to garnish.)

Combine the butter and sugar in a large bowl.  Beat on medium-high speed until smooth and fluffy, about 2 minutes.  Blend in the salt and vanilla.  On low speed, mix in the flour until just incorporated and dough begins to form.  Mix in the unsweetened, toasted coconut.  Form dough into a disc and wrap tightly with plastic wrap.  Transfer to the refrigerator and let chill at least 1 hour or until firm.

Preheat the oven to 325.  Line baking sheets with silicone mats or parchment paper.  On a lightly floured work surface, roll the dough out to just less than 1/4-inch thickness.  Use a cookie cutter or pastry cutter to cut out cookie shapes.  Transfer to the prepared baking sheets.  Reroll dough scraps as needed.

Bake until light golden and crisp, rotating the pans halfway through baking, about 16-18 minutes total.  (Baking time will vary depending on the size/shape of your cookies.  Keep an eye on them!)  Let cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

If desired, dip cookies or drizzle with melted chocolate.  Transfer to a pan lined with wax or parchment paper.  Sprinkle with sweetened shredded coconut.  Let chocolate set completely before removing from the pans.

Source: adapted slightly from, via Smitten Kitchen, originally from Bon Appetit, March 2004

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